Classroom Management Plan

Morgan Coursey

CIME 3385


Classroom Management Plan

Procedures and Routine

-4th and 5th grade


We will go over homework after the warm-up.

-Leaving as a group-

Before we leave the classroom for specials, lunch, or dismissal, you need to be in your seats with no talking.

In the hallway you will be quiet and keep your hands to yourself

-Bathroom Policy-

If you need to go to the bathroom raise your hand with the peace sign and I will let you go. Make sure you take the pass. Bathroom breaks aren’t play time.

-Personal Space-

Please respect my personal space and respect your classmates personal space. Please do not go behind my desk or mess with things on my desk.

Failure to follow these rules and procedures could result in: Loss of recess time, Afterschool Detention, Phone call to parent, Trip to the office

-7th and 8th Grade


I will randomly collect homework. Be prepared.

-Late work-

As a general rule, I do not accept late work. However, talk to me and we will figure it out!

-Bathroom Policy-

If you need to go to the bathroom raise your hand with the peace sign and I will let you go. Make sure you take the pass. Bathroom breaks aren’t play time.

-Personal Space-

Please respect my personal space and respect your classmates personal space. Please do not go behind my desk or mess with things on my desk.

Failure to follow these rules and procedures could result in: Extra work, Afterschool Detention, Phone call to parent, Trip to the office, In School Suspension

Class Rules

-4th and 5th Grade

  • Be in your seat when the bell rings to start class
  • Sit in your assigned area for the week
  • Please raise your hand if you have a question
  • No talking when the teacher is talking
  • Clean up your mess!
  • Be kind and respectful to me and to each other

7th and 8th Grade

  • Be on time
  • Be in your seat when the bell rings
  • Sit in your assigned area for the week
  • Please raise your hand if you have a question
  • Be kind and respectful to me and to each other.

Behavior Management and Intervention

Positive reinforcement

1) stickers for work

2) Electronic points system like this:

or Classcraft

3) Rewards such as free homework pass, snacks, change seats, talk to a friend, lifeline on a test, parties, etc.

4) Praise often

Consequences for disruptive behavior

For minor offenses, if have asked the student to modify their behavior and they have not I will:

1) Quietly ask them to talk to me at my desk or in the hallway

2) Take away a privilege or take away points

3) Contact parents

4) Assign detention or extra work

5) Contact office staff for removal

For the group:

1) Verbal Reprimand

2) Loss of privilege or time doing activity

3) Extra work

4) Class loss of points

5) Contact office staff for assistance

Attention Signals

  1. If you can hear my voice clap once, twice, etc.
  2. 5,4,3,2,1 (count down from 5, hopefully they stop talking before you get to five)
  3. S-O-R-R-Y (Begin writing SORRY on the board one letter at a time, if you write the whole word then the class loses a privilege)

Class Jobs

-4th and 5th Grade

  • Two Teacher's Helpers (they will take care of anything I need that is not covered by other jobs. They will also serve as substitutes if another "worker" is absent)
  • Two Paper Passers
  • One Door Holder
  • One Light Monitor
  • One Phone Operator (Answers the class phone when it rings)
  • Attendance Runner
  • Two Librarians
  • Two Floor Monitors (They check the floor at set times to make sure it is clean)
  • Two Dry Erase Board Monitors (One will clean the board and the other will add any writing needed)
  • Hall Monitor

7th and 8th Grade

  • One Teacher's Helper (they will take care of anything I need that is not covered by other jobs. They will also serve as a substitute if another "worker" is absent)
  • Group Leaders
  • One Homework Collector
  • One Phone Operator (Answers the class phone when it rings)
  • Attendance Runner
  • Two Librarians
  • Two Class Cleaning Monitors (They check the floor and desks and other areas of the classroom at set times to make sure it is clean)
  • Two Dry Erase Board Monitors (One will clean the board and the other will add any writing needed)
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Tech Support (helps with chromebooks and other electronics)
  • Two Math Helpers











Classroom Seating Plan

First Day of School Plan

I will begin the day by standing outside the door to greet the students. I will tell the students to sit where you like but it may not be their permanent seat.

When the bell rings I will close the door and let them know that they are allowed to visit quietly until the bell rings but after that they should be paying attention.

I will pass out the warm -up which is a logic puzzle. I will let the students know that every day they come into class there will be a warm-up for them to do and I expect them to begin working on it as soon as the bell rings. I will allow about 7 minutes to complete. (while the students work on the warm-up I will be checking schedules)

After the warm-up is complete, I will post the answers on the projector, so they can check their work. This will be quick because the first day warm-up is more for fun.

. The first activity is a silly game where everyone stands up and someone begins talking about something (ie. I play basketball) then, a student will interject and say “My name is … and I can relate because…”. The original speaker sits down and now the person who interjected will be the speaker until someone relates to something they said. The goal is to not be the last person standing. This should take about 10 minutes or less.

The final activity is the marshmallow challenge. (I will link a video about it for clarification.) This should take the rest of the class period. The group that wins will get a prize (it might be choice of seats or choice of classroom job).

If there is any time left in the class period, I will allow each student to ask me one appropriate question about myself. Before the students leave I will have them get a packet that includes parent homework, class newsletter (which will include my contact info and a little bit about the class).



Parent Homework





Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am so delighted to have your child in my 8th grade math class! I am looking forward to getting to know him/her throughout the year. However, no one knows them like you do. That is why I am asking for you to tell me anything you want me to know about your child. You can write a letter, poem, make a video, a pro and con list (wink), or anything you want. The sky is the limit! Please include any information you would like me to know about you and your family too, we are all in this together.

Please send your response with your student by September 15.

Thank you,

Mrs. Coursey